We currently host 5 tools that can read or write "Vaizdo įrašas" files. Please note that this list may be incomplete due to the constant development of new tools and features.
The following results are listed in a random order.
Automatiškai aptikite scenos pokyčius vaizdo įrašuose ir sukurkite EDL, XML arba CSV failą tolesniam nelinijiniam filmų redagavimui "Avid Media Composer", "Adobe Premiere Pro", "DaVinci Resolve" arba "Final Cut Pro X".
Use this tool to verify that your audio mix meets a specific standard. The tool will generate a loudness report from the uploaded file. It can also normalize an audio file and make it conform to a standard of your choice.
Spalvinkite nuotraukas ir vaizdo įrašus naudodami dirbtinį intelektą ir per kelias sekundes paverskite nespalvotas nuotraukas ir vaizdo įrašus spalvotais. Perkurkite praeitį, atgaivindami protėvių ir istorines nuotraukas bei vaizdo įrašus.
This tool allows you to extract and clean voices from an audio file, or remove a voice from an audio clip altogether. Upload one or more files to split the audio file and create a voice stem and a noise stem. The Noise Stem is a voiceless file that can be used as a karaoke or ambience track, for example.
Create images from a video file using a list or document of timecodes. This tool can be useful for generating thumbnails for vfx sheets.